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Model A

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Админ сайта Гюго
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Пол: Пол:Женский
ТИМ: Гюго
Возраст: 49
Знак зодиака: Близнецы
Зарегистрирован: 02.09.2006
Сообщения: 2118
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Сен 26, 2007 7:11 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Model A Ответить с цитатой

Socionic Model of the Psyche
(in a nutshell)
Variables in the Socionic Model of the Psyche

-Accepting - 'I am!' - (1st,3rd,5th,7th functions) - A producing function sets the active environment within a specific block, and does the main work of interacting with inwards and outwards stimuli. It represents a state of being or existence.

-Producing - 'I do!' - (2nd,4th,6th,8th functions) - An accepting function functions only within the boundaries set by the producing function and can not deviate from those boundaries. It serves the will of the accepting function and does active work in order to support that function. It represents a state of acting or doing.

-Conscious - 'awareness' - Functions within blocks that are conscious to them will allow a person to maintain active awareness and self-perception, and the ability to mold or control his or her own behavior to suit wants, needs, and desires.

-Unconscious - 'unawareness' - Functions within blocks that are unconscious to them will manifest themselves beyond a person's active self-perception. However, while a person may not realize the effect he or she has upon another, actions and behaviors caused by these functions will most certainly be noticed by others and leads them to form lasting positive or negative impressions that may not be possible to reverse.
Blocks within the Socionic Model of the Psyche

-Ego Block - (1st and 2nd functions) - 'I am confident and balanced!'
Functions within this block set for themselves a local and global environmental pace for a person and for all other functions within other blocks; typically, you could say that this block forms the 'theme' of a person's life and what he or she seeks to be and what to do with it. Since this block is both strong and conscious, it remains dominant and behavioral actions stay within a person's active ring of awareness. This block represents true confidence and respect.

-Super-Ego Block - (3rd and 4th functions) - 'I would rather be greater or invisible than weak!'
Functions within this block cause a person to develop superior and inferior complexes about his or her self in accordance to perceived abilities and disabilities; it usually manifest itself in various uncontrolled extremes of unbalanced passive and aggressive tendencies in relation to functions within the block. Since this block is both weak and conscious, a person may make conscious efforts to protect him or her self by feinting superiority or acting touchy when those weaknesses are noted by others. This block represents fear and paranoia.

-Super-Id Block - (5th and 6th functions) - 'I think I am, but you know I am not!'
Functions within this block cause a person to form inaccurate impressions of him or her, and may make habitual attempts to use them in ways that do not meet obvious societal standards or expectations. Since this block is both weak and unconscious, a person may not realize their behavioral manifestations are actually being considered by others as strange, childish, or out-of-place. This block represents suggestible gullibility.

-Id Block - (7th and 8th functions) - 'That is not my self-perception!'
Functions within this block function as 'anti-functions,' meaning that these functions may be habitually elude or be ignored by a person for the sake of functions within the ego block. Since this block is both strong and unconscious it remains dominant, yet behavioral actions stay outside of a person's active ring of awareness and may be positivelly or negitevelly perceived by others in ways not explicitelly realized. This block represents arrogance and disrespect.
Functions as manifested within the blocks of the Socionic Model of the Psyche.

-Base & Creative functions - (1st and 2nd functions) - 'This is who I am, and I am proud of that fact!'
The ego and creative functions are the functions a person perfers above all others and feels satisfied about them. In situations where quick actions are needed or lifestyle choices are being made, these are a person's default functions.

-Role & PoLR functions - (3rd and 4th functions) - 'I will protect you, because you can not!'
The primary goal of the Role function is to look out for the weaker PoLR function and to protect it from notice. This may be manifested in any various means of conscious behaviors that may appear either demeaning, arrogant, or offensive to others or in opposite circumstances extreme politeness and submission. A person usually gets very upset or self-conscious once he or she has realized another is aware of PoLR weakness.

-Suggestive & Hidden Agenda - (5th and 6th functions) - 'Boy, I concure - handsome devils are we!'
It is not very hard to tell when someone is using these functions, but they sure are not aware! Often a person starts initially very solid and strong in them, but after a while whatever turns into a foolish amalgimation! And not only are people not very impressed, people under the influence of the suggestive function or the hidden agenda tend to not be take very seriously, either. The honest truth is that if you are an ethical type, you may not be properly suited for some intellectual persuits, and the same goes for logical types with tasks that require emotion. But, if you think you are capable, consider these functions!

-Control & Estimative functions - (7th and 8th functions) - 'These are not my skills!'
As they stand as individual functions, the control and estimative functions can be used exactly as the ego functions are used and with the same strength and consistency, but they can not be used permanently and are not apart of a person's default behavior. In real life situations where life-style choices persist or quick action is need, a person will not normally remember these functions and unintentionally cloud them out by usage of the ego functions. When they must be used, a person must intentionally force themselves to use these functions or they may never be otherwise manifested.

Functions and groupings of functions as found within the Socionic Model of the Psyche

There are eight functions, often represented by 8 distinct black and white symbols)

socionics_function - Ne
- (Extroverted Intuition) - Ability to perceive the collective abstract beliefs of others, to organize and accept them
socionics_function - Se
- (Extroverted Sensing) - Ability to perceive the collective concrete experiences of others, to organize and accept them
socionics_function - Te
- (Extroverted Thinking) - Ability to conceive the collective logical frameworks of others, to organize and accept them
socionics_function - Fe
- (Extroverted Feeling) - Ability to conceive the collective ethical frameworks of others, to organize and accept them
socionics_function - Ni
- (Introverted Intuition) - Ability to perceive a qualitative, personal abstractness in belief over time
socionics_function - Si
- (Introverted Sensing) - Ability to perceive a qualitative, personal concreteness in experience over time
socionics_function - Ti
- (Introverted Thinking) - Ability to conceive a qualitative, personal logical framework over time
socionics_function - Fi
- (Introverted Feeling) - Ability to conceive a qualitative, personal ethical framework over time

Four blocks of two groupings of functions:

Ego Block (strong) (conscious) -1st and 2nd functions
Super-Ego Block (weak) (conscious) -3rd and 4th functions
Id Block (strong) (unconscious) -7th and 8th functions
Super-Id Block (weak) (unconscious) -5th and 6th functions

Eight groups corresponding to all eight functions:

1st - Base -1st most dominant conscious function, sets global pace for other accepting functions
2nd - Creative -2nd most dominant conscious function, sets global pace for other producing functions
3rd - Role -knows it is a weak accepting function, but pretends to be large and invincible
4th - PoLR -knows it is a weak producing function, but pretends to be small and invisible
5th - Suggestive -thinks it is a strong accepting function, but manifests itself weak
6th - Hidden Agenda -thinks it is a strong producing function, but manifests itself weak
7th - Control -thinks it is a weak accepting function, but manifests itself strong
8th - Estimative -thinks it is a weak producing function, but manifests itself strong

And four groups of corresponding functions who feel a kinship to one another:

(1st 5th) - Base vs Suggestive
(2nd 6th) - Creative vs Hidden Agenda
(3rd 7th) - Role vs Control
(4th 8th) - PoLR vs Estimative
Мужчину определяет женщина которая его любит. Любовь Гюго это вершина похвалы любому мужчине. Высшая оценка. (с) Козин
Альфа - это строгий деловой костюм, а в кармане - горсть ирисок (с) Larna
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